We come together to be Jesus’ hands and feet
and to serve the needs of our
community, state, nation and world.
OCC Shoeboxes
In 2021 we were able to pack 720 shoeboxes during our “floating” packing parties. We received additional boxes packed by individuals for a total of 815 boxes. Our boxes were shipped to Togo and Uganda.
Backpacks for Appalachian Coalfield Ministry
In 2021 we were able to pack 50 backpacks for students of elementary, middle school and high school ages. Our packbacks went to communities in the Appalachian coalfields.
Angel Tree Gifts
In 2021 we provided over 50 Christmas gifts for children in families within our community that were facing challenging times.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
It is our desire as a Bible-believing church to fulfill the Great Commission as directed in Matthew 28:19-20. One of our favorite ways of doing this is by partnering with Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, to provide shoeboxes full of gifts to children in need all over the world!
We collect year-round donations of items and funds to cover shipping costs to get the most “bang for our buck”! In October we begin packing the items collected into shoeboxes called GO (Gospel Opportunity) boxes. They are then dedicated on the second Sunday in November. If you have no interest in shopping you might consider packing a shoebox on-line. You can go here for more information: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/.
In 2021 we were able to pack 720 shoeboxes during our “floating” packing parties. We received additional boxes packed by individuals for a total of 815 boxes. Our boxes were shipped to Togo and Uganda. OCC collected a record-breaking 9,127,591 shoeboxes in the United States!
As harsh as the pandemic has been here in the US, there is no comparison to those countries who were not economically sound before the pandemic. Let’s shine the light of Jesus around the world like never before by packing 850 shoeboxes in 2022!
Backpacks for Appalachian Coalfields Christmas Outreach
We love filling backpacks with clothing, canned foods, toys, hygiene items, candy, a Bible and the Christmas Story for the Appalachain Coalfields Christmas Outreach ministry effort sponsored by Baptists on Mission. Our church joined with many other churches across the state to collect 18,780 backpacks in 2021. We collected over 44 backpacks here at Antioch, covered them with our love and prayers, and turned them over to God and Baptists on Mission. We would love to have you join us in this effort in 2022.

Antioch Feeds AIA (Athletes in Action) Students
Antioch Baptist Church members feed the student athletes at AIA after their Bible study. These are young athletes active in body (for their sport) and in spirit (for the Lord), and they very much appreciate the spiritual bread they receive during their Bible Study, followed by physical bread that our church members provide for their fellowship time afterwards. Sometimes our cooks are called upon to provide quiches or pies or other baked goods to feed these students.
Feeding Families at the Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill helps provide housing and other care for families that have children in hospitals around the area. We go to the Ronald McDonald House generally once a month to feed the families that are staying at this home away from home. It is a blessing to us and to these families when we take just a few hours to provide a delicious home-cooked meal for them at the end of their long day.

Spring and Fall Country Breakfasts for the Community
Antioch Baptist Church members love to eat, especially breakfast! We come together in fellowship during the spring and fall for a wonderful country breakfast. We serve scrambled eggs, grits, sausage and country ham, waffles and pancakes, baked apples, and so much more. These breakfasts are open to everyone in the community. All are welcome! Donations are used for mission efforts.