
We join together to
Love God;
Exalt Christ;
Seek His Will;
Serve His Purpose.

A Place for You

If you are looking for a place where you can worship, grow spiritually, and search for answers to life’s questions, then Antioch Baptist Church may be the place you’ve been looking for.

Wherever you are in life’s journey, whatever your status or stage in life, we believe that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. We invite you to come discover friendship, community, and your true purpose.

We are elated to be continuing our in-person Sunday services. We do ask, however, that everyone respect and honor any precautions requested to protect the health of those we gather with. The most important thing and best of all is that we will be together for worship and fellowship. 

The WORSHIP SERVICE begins at 11:00 am, and SUNDAY SCHOOL begins at 9:45 am.

If you are unable to join us in person, you can watch the service via live-stream at 11:00 am.

Service Times

Worship services are Sundays at 11:00 am. We have Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:45 am immediately before the worship services.

Child care is available, as well as children’s church for kids kindergarten through third grade, during both Sunday School and Worship Service.

Bible studies occur on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Where to find us

We are located at 1707 White Cross Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27516.

You may contact us at 919-929-2230 or at info@abccommunity.com.

2022-11 703 OCC Shoeboxes

Operation Christmas Child / October

“Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58


October shoebox suggestions:  TOYS!  We need toys for our church shoeboxes

Don’t forget our Amazon wish list if you prefer shopping from home.

Extra … Extra !!  This year we will not have a one day Shoebox packing party. It is a lot of work!  We will set-up packing in areas on the second floor of the Educational Building.  Packing will begin on Saturday, October 12 at 9:00 am. Anyone wishing to pack during the week can come during office hours 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Saturdays will depend on someone being available to open the building (watch for announcements).  I hope you’ll join us!

Please consider Building a Shoebox On-line.  For $25 (includes $10 shipping) you can choose what items go in your box from a selection the ministry has chosen. They purchase quality items in bulk. Every box includes essential items, including chalk (age 2-4), crayons, colored pencils, notebook, pencils, pencil sharpener, pens (age 5-9 and 10-14), a comb or brush, and a toothbrush. You can pack a very nice box without leaving home and you will be notified of its destination in the Spring (most go to hard-to-reach countries).  Note:  See our newsletter under the Our News tab for QR code to the Build a Shoebox site.

Through the distribution of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, we are thankful to God for all the boys and girls around the world who have an opportunity to hear the Good News that “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”   (Romans 10:13).


Mission Projects / October

Thank you so much, Antioch Family, for the gum donated to the Women’s Red Box Prison Ministry.


48 backpacks have been adopted. 😊  If you did not have an opportunity to adopt a backpack and would like to fill a backpack for a child, instructions may be found on the Baptist on Missions website (baptistonmission.org).  Contact Robin Farrell if you have questions.   BACKPACKS DUE DATE:  October 27th.  

 — Dinner for residents of Ralph Scott Homes Life-services, October 17th – 6:00pm —  Ralph Scott Life-services provides community based residential services to adults with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities.  It is the mission of  RSL to provide individualized community living services and support that promotes health, dignity, growth, stability, and community involvement that recognizes the value of each individual.

Volunteers are needed to assist with serving food and cleanup.  It is a blessing to have the privilege to serve the community of people that live at the Ralph Scott Homes and their caregivers.  The carpool will leave Antioch at 4:00p.m.  If you do not want to carpool, meet at Holly Hill Baptist Church, 2818 Edgewood Ave., Burlington at 4:45p.m

— Ronald McDonald House Meal —   Antioch will prepare a hot home-made meal for the families staying at the house on October 24th.   Please pray for the Ronald McDonald House residents, their children receiving care at the area medical facilities, and staff.  The meal ministry is an opportunity to express God’s love through a home cooked meal.  If you would like to assist, please contact Robin Farrell.  We carpool and leave Antioch at 2:30pm.  Meals are  packaged and served no later than 5:30pm.

 23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.   You are serving the Lord Christ.  Colossians 3:23-24


Awana Clubs meet September – April. We take a break the month of December for Christmas.

  If you want to know more about Awana, please join us any Sunday.

Awana Clubs (Children’s Ministry) meet on Sunday afternoons from 4-5:30 pm.  (Age groups:  PreK – 5th grade) Derived from the first letters of “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” as taken from:   2 Timothy 2:15

TEACHING CHILDREN ABOUT GOD, with scripture, games, music and prayer.

Bring a friend and make new friends!  Did we mention it is FUN!

AWANA 2024 KidEventPro id=67687 QR Code THUMBNAIL
Oct 2024 Blood Drive Thumbnail

It is time to donate your BLOOD!!

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Monday, October 28 from 1:30 – 6 PM

Fellowship Hall

There are many needs within our state and country. If you are able, please help by donating your blood.

To schedule your lifesaving donation, please visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code ‘AntiochBaptist’.

Nov 2024 Breakfast Thumbnail

It is Time for our November Country Breakfast!!

And don’t forget the Craft and Bake Sale!

Saturday, November 9, 6:30-10 am

Come enjoy a hearty country breakfast. Our menu includes: scrambled eggs, country ham, sausage, grits, cheese, biscuits, gravy, tomatoes, cooked apples, waffles, pancakes, fruit, yogurt, milk, orange juice, apple juice, coffee, tea, and soda.

Payment is by donation. Net proceeds will go towards our mission projects.

Thoughts to Ponder

“According to Scripture, virtually everything that truly qualifies a person for leadership is directly related to character. It’s not about style, status, personal charisma, clout, or worldly measurements of success. Integrity is the main issue that makes the difference between a good leader and a bad one.” – John MacArthur

“God has not given us one set of leadership principles for marriage relationships, another set for biological family relationships, and yet another for relationships in the larger (church) family. Though each sphere of influence broadens in terms of function and responsibility, the basic leadership principles are the same. A husband is to be a servant-leader to his wife, a father is to be a servant-leader in his family, and elders/overseers are to be servant-leaders in the family of God.” – Gene Getz

“Deacons…serve to care for the physical and financial needs of the church, and they do so in a way that heals divisions, brings unity under the Word, and supports the leadership of the elders. Without this practical service of the deacons, the elders will not be freed to devote themselves to praying and serving the Word to the people. Elders need deacons to serve practically, and deacons need elders to lead spiritually” – Mark Dever and Paul Alexander